
Editorial of second issue

Italian In the words of Goethe, “Ambition and love are the wings to great deeds”. I am not sure if this is correct, but certainly judging from the feedback received and the contacts on our pages, the success of this initiative is truly impressive. We are delighted to feel a…

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Editorial de la première édition

English – Italian Le Journal Virtuel de l’Orthodontie Clinique est le premier Journal d’Orthodontie sur Internet. Son but est de présenter des articles nouveaux et intéressants, et spécialement ceux en étroite relation avec l’orthodontie clinique. Si vous êtes un praticien dentaire et que vous estimez pouvoir contribuer à ce projet,…

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Editoriale del primo numero

English – French Il Virtual Journal of Clinical Orthodontics è la prima rivista di ortognatodonzia clinica che si propone il confronto e l’approfondimento di tematiche ortognatodontiche principalmente cliniche. Questo spazio è aperto a quanti desiderano contribuire al miglioramento e alla conoscenza dell’ortodonzia senza lo spasmodico inseguimento di un punteggio per…

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Editorial of first issue

Italian – French The Virtual Journal of Clinical Orthodontics is the first On Line Orthodontic Journal. Its purpose is to present new and interesting articles, especially those dealing with clinical orthodontics. If you are a colleague and you would like to contribute to this project, please let us know. Sponsors…

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