Trattamento Ortodontico e Osteopatico in Paziente Portatore di Scoliosi
Mazzocchi Alberto*, Paratico Selene**, Mazzocchi Susanna***
* Specialista in Chirurgia Maxillo Facciale, libero professionista, Bergamo
** Osteopata, libero professionista, Bergamo
*** Studentessa, Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry, Università Europea, Madrid
Address of Correspondence:
Dr. Alberto Mazzocchi
Seguendo un approccio combinato ortodontico e osteopatico, gli autori presentano un caso clinico di malocclusione associata a una scoliosi vertebrale. Utilizzando un apparecchio gnatologico mobile morbido e alcuni trattamenti osteopatici, per circa 18 mesi, si è ottenuto un miglioramento occlusale e vertebrale, con riduzione dell’angolo di scoliosi evitando terapie chirurgiche o ortopediche più complesse.
According to a combined orthodontic and osteopathic approach, the authors present a clinical case of malocclusion associated with vertebral scoliosis. Using a soft mobile gnatological appliance and some osteopathic treatments, for about 18 months, an occlusal and vertebral improvement was obtained, with a reduction in the angle of scoliosis, thus avoiding more complex surgical or orthopedic therapies.
PAROLE CHIAVE: postura, ortodonzia, osteopatia, scoliosi vertebrale
KEYWORDS: posture, orthodontic therapy, osteopathy, vertebral scoliosis
The Effect of Removable Orthodontic Appliances on Nocturnal Enuresis in Children
Mazzocchi Alberto MD DDS*, Mazzocchi Susanna**
* Private practice, Bergamo, Italy
** Student, Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry, European University, Madrid, Spain
Correspondence to:
Dr. Alberto Mazzocchi
2 cases of boys affected by nocturnal enuresis (NE) associated to a mild malocclusion were reported. Though etiology of NE is not fully understood, there are three common causes: excessive urine volume, poor sleep arousal, bladder contractions and there is no definitive treatment currently available. Some reports showed good but unpredictable results using orthodontic treatment. The 2 boys, described in the present study, stopped NE immediately after treatment with a soft orthodontic appliance. A correlation between dental occlusion and the neurovascular system is hard to find in modern literature due to a limitation in the number of studies available. According to a recent study, dysfunctions in different areas of the body could lead to a problem at adjacent or related structures. Balancing occlusion might be a new option to improve function in other parts of the body.
Keywords: Keywords: nocturnal enuresis, orthodontic appliances