Issue 13.1

Virtual Journal of Orthodontics Issue 13.1

Infezione da SARS-CoV-2: conoscenza e
 comportamenti dei pazienti in un ambulatorio odontoiatrico


Dr. Mazzocchi Susanna
 (DDS, private practice, Bergamo, Italy)

Dr. Mazzocchi Alberto
 (MD DDS, private practice, Bergamo, Italy)

The corresponding author’s address: 

Dr. Alberto Mazzocchi

English Title:

SARS-CoV-2 infection: knowledge and behavior of patients in a dental practice

Introduction: The SARS-Cov-2 virus has been widely known around the world since it was declared a pandemic disease in March 2020. The authors were interested in patients’ opinion about dental care in an Italian town (Bergamo Italy) where the biggest number of deaths were reported.

Materials and methods: 12 questions (Google form questionnaire), totally anonymous, were subjected to 110 adults, randomly chosen in a private dental practice.

Results: 64.5% of women and 35.5% of men, with a prevalence of age range between 30 and 60 years (59.1%) filled in the questionnaire. About 43% of patients reported no Covid symptoms, 37% have been Covid-sick, and 20% were unsure. Despite the high percentage of Covid positive symptoms, 80% of the respondents were vaccinated or willing to be. About 38% admitted that they were frightened by the virus, and changed their hygiene and social habits. Only 13% considered the dental practice a place with a high risk of contamination. All the other patients reported to feel safe during dental procedures.

Conclusions: The SARS-Covid-19 virus infection has changed health perceptions and billions of people’s life. Patients reported that they were frightened by the virus, generating trust in the vaccine, while they neglected body’s care, for example by not taking natural supplements.

The dental office is considered as an area with a low risk of contamination, being a place that controls infections of all kinds, by careful disinfection procedures.

Clinical significance: Through an anonymous survey, our study can explain how patients’ behavior and perception have changed towards dental practice.

Keywords: SARS-Covid-19, Dental practice, Disease control


Introduzione: Il virus SARS-Cov-2 è ampiamente conosciuto nel mondo da quando è stato dichiarato lo stato di pandemia nel marzo 2020. Quello che interessa agli autori è scoprire e studiare cosa ne pensano del virus i pazienti, indagando l’opinione dei pazienti di un ambulatorio di Bergamo, città che è stata molto colpita dal virus.

Materiali e metodi: Gli autori hanno presentato 12 domande a 110 pazienti, scelti random, sotto forma di questionario Google form, totalmente anonimo, chiedendo come uniche informazioni personali sesso e fascia di età.

Donne (64.5%) e uomini 35.5%, per la maggior parte nella fascia di età compresa tra i 30 e i 60 anni (59.1%), riferiscono che circa il 43% dei pazienti non ha avuto la malattia Covid, il 37% è stato ammalato e il 20% ha dubbi sulla malattia. Nonostante la percentuale alta di pazienti che hanno avuto la malattia Covid, l’80% si è vaccinato o comunque ha dichiarato di essere intenzionato a farlo. Circa il 38% ammette di essere spaventato dal virus, e di aver cambiato le proprie abitudini igieniche. Solo il 13% considera lo studio dentistico come un luogo ad alto rischio di contagio. La restante percentuale dei pazienti riferisce di sentirsi sicura durante le procedure odontoiatriche.



Mazzocchi S.* Mazzocchi A.**

(*DDS Private practice, Bergamo, Italy)

(** MD, Maxillofacial surgeon, private practice, Bergamo)

Address for correspondence: Dr. Alberto Mazzocchi

PAROLE CHIAVE: Morso aperto, malocclusione, terapia ortodontica funzionale

KEYWORDS: Open bite, malocclusion, functional orthodontic therapy


Several treatment options are reported in the literature to inhibit the mechanical factors that maintain the anterior open bite. The gold standard treatment of skeletal anterior open bite cases is the combined approach of orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances and orthognathic surgery. Myofunctional therapy is considered a very good option to oral muscular patterns reeducation. It seems very effective in reducing occlusal relapses, but it needs time and cooperation. It seems that oral muscular reeducation could improve general posture correction, but dental scientific literature lacks researches on the effects of occlusal changing on vertebral position. The Authors present an open bite case in an adult, where oral reeducation, made by an intraoral device, corrected occlusion and improved general posture.

VJO 13.1

Virtual Journal of Orthodontics

Editore e Direttore Responsabile: Dr. Gabriele Floria