Virtual Journal of Orthodontics Issue 13.4
Successful Orthodontic treatment in a young autistic boy
– Mazzocchi A.* Specialista in Chirurgia Maxillo Facciale, Bergamo
– Mazzocchi S.** Odontoiatra, Bergamo
The corresponding author’s address:
Dr. Alberto Mazzocchi
Today there is no agreement in treatment autism spectrum disorders (ADS). Behavioral, psychological, education, and/or skill-building interventions may be used to assist autistic people to learn life skills necessary for living independently. Autistic children have different types of behavior, ranging from aggressive to collaborative approach to the medical and dental procedures and, again, there is no agreement in orthodontic tretments.
The Authors present a successful 6 years orthodontic treatment of a not severe autistic boy showing that occlusal improvement was associated to strong school and social results improvement. This observation could confirm the fascinating Macary’s relationship between correct breathing and brain development which was reported in the ’50 by French orthodontists.
Keywords: Autism, Orthodontic treatment, Orthodontics