Issue 4.1

Editorial – Floria G. (VJO Editor)

The term community identifies an aggregation of people that have something in common. There exist religious communities, national communities, sports communities, but also communities for sharing interests and passions. The common characteristic of the members is that they frequent the same places, the same houses. The houses can be very different, yet, almost all of them provide walls and doors with the function of delimiting, protecting but also isolating and discriminating. However, there are exceptions to this rule, which we define, maybe incorrectly, as……

Saethre-Chotzen Syndrome: case report (EnglishItalianSpanish)

G. Vassura, E. Calcagno, A.K. Sadeghi, A. Barone, F. Ghezzi, M. Martino

Abstract: This study analyses a case of Saethre-Chothzen syndrome (cranio-facial stenosis), which affects the coronal structures and the spheno-basilar synchondrosis in an asymmetric way. This syndrome has an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance with a male/female ratio of 1 to 1 and an incidence of about 1 in 25,000-50,000 newborn children. This article analyses in detail the distinctive features of this syndrome, which affects the cephalic region, the limbs and the psychophysical development.
The case reported is a 10 year-old female patient. Clinical and radiological aspects are carefully described, and an intra-oral analysis is reported with an orthodontic assessment. By analyzing the therapeutic prospects, the authors’ conclusion is that the treatment is primarily a surgical one, but the functional and aesthetic aspect of the patients will later have to be taken into account.

Saethre-Chotzen Syndrome: case report

Modificazioni dei livelli d’ansia nei pazienti disfunzionali Cranio-Cervico-Mandibolari durante terapia

U. Montecorboli

Abstract: Il presente studio è stato effettuato su un campione ramdomizzato di 63 soggetti disponibili alla valutazione psicometrica (S.T.A.I. 1-2 di Spielberger, Gorsuch, Lushene) di un gruppo di 125 pazienti ed inseriti in terapia riabilitativa gnatologica e posturale con un protocollo individualizzato.
Scopo della ricerca è stato quello di verificare se una condizione di dolore cronico o di lunga durata, simile a quella che si determina nei pazienti disfunzionali Cranio-Cervico- Mandibolari, potesse modificare gli aspetti emotivi globali dei pazienti e se un riabilitazione dell’apparato stomatognatico e la conseguente attenuazione della sintomatologia dolorosa potessero determinare riduzioni dei livelli di ansia come stato (Ansia di Stato) ma anche modificare la predisposizione verso lo sviluppo dell’ansia (Ansia di Tratto) nel vivere lo Stress quotidiano come Distress. I risultati ottenuti confermano quanto già espresso da numerosi Autori e hanno permesso di ipotizzare che la plasticità neuronale, coinvolta nelle fasi di neuroriabilitazione possa riguardare la sfera neurosensoriale, neuromotoria ma anche neuropsichica.

Ectopic upper canine associated to ectopic lower second bicuspid. Case report (EnglishItalianSpanish)

A.R. Mazzocchi

Abstract: The maxillary permanent canine tooth is generally considered to be an important tooth in the dental arch by virtue of its place in the scheme of functional occlusion, its contribution to the appearance of the patient, its root size and length and its role in establishing arch form.
The canine develops in the deepest area of the maxilla and follows the longest path of eruption. It’s not surprising that ectopic eruption or impaction of the maxillary canine is a frequently encountered tooth malposition. Recent reports showed no statistically significant difference in the anterior or posterior arch width between samples with impacted canines and reference samples.
Canine maxillary ectopic eruption or impaction can be bilateral or, less frequently, associated to mandibular canine impaction. Rarely ectopic canine is associated to other ectopic teeth. Sometimes canine impaction can be the result of localized factors or polygenic multifactorial inheritance in association with other dental anomalies.
The treatment and prognosis of un-erupted teeth are usually influenced by various factors and may include a broad range of options from passive observation to exposure with traction of the tooth and to a rather aggressive decision of extracting the tooth .
The following case of a 13-years-old male with upper ectopic canine and lower impacted bicuspid was observed in which result was favorable and the gingival margin appearance was adequately restored.

Selection of abstracts from international orthodontic literature

M. Camporesi

English – Italian Thesaurus from OrthoDL and OrthoICON EU Projects

G. Floria

Toronto 2001: Inside the new century (EnglishItalianSpanish)

AAO Congress report

J.Mayora Ibarra

The slogan chosen by the CONGRESS OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF ORTHODONTICS was: “Toronto 2001, the new odyssey”, and it really is. In this May, we had the opportunity to assist to this event which has a great importance in orthodontic themes inside a cosmopolitan city with a great social and cultural activity on the edge of the Ontario Lake. This event had the capacity to join a lot of orthodontists and professors that are recognized all over the world, who showed the advances of their research, and their clinical experiences. Two years ago we talked about the introduction of a new century, now that we can see the improvement of the technology we are sure that the new millennium is here. But we have a question that has not ́t been answered: until where will we go???. We are starting a new millennium with a lot of technology that is amazing, that give us the obligation to actualize our knowledge to be competitive in this global world.

This congress has a big scientific and technological content, and also permits the actualization in education, promotes teamwork, presents new techniques and shows the development of orthodontist devices. It also offers the opportunity to handle business and have social interaction among orthodontists from all the world.

The conferences still have a great level, for example in maxillar orthopedia, the improvement in the treatments of young adults give us a new dimension in our therapy, because this kind of treatments are considered as Dr. Pancherz says: “An alternative to orthognatic surgery.”

There were a lot of clinic tables, clinic presentations, and also seminaries offered to participants. This promotes interaction and access to first hand information from our colleagues that are developing new devices and techniques.

The commercial exposition joined the principal world enterprises, that showed the update technology, and available services for the orthodontic community.

One of the new services offered by the congress was the cyber cafe. This place was often concurred by a lot of people, that is what made me notice

about the importance of the use of the Internet (an example is the VJO). It would be great to have video conferences by the web in a short time. This would be a new kind of assisting to a congress without the necessity of transporting to other places.This would benefit everybody, doctors and patients.

Last but not least, I want to thank Toronto for being so kind during our visit in such a lovely place. ¡¡¡¡See you in Philadelphia 2002!!!!