Weldable Wire Connector: A New Bracket-Transfer System In Lingual Orthodontics
1. Dr. Kulbir Singh Goraya
B.D.S Private Practitioner
2. Dr. Bhavdeep Kaur Boparai
B.D.S Private Practitioner
A new method regarding indirect bonding of lingual brackets is presented in this article.
This technique makes use of a special aid which is easy- to-construct and ZKLFK facilitate
helps both the transfer tray fabrication and the bracket-transfer procedures in a precise a
facilitate both the transfer tray fabrication and the bracket-transfer procedures in and
efficient and precise manner.
Keywords: Weldable wire connector, transfer wire, wire-resin tray, indirect bonding, lin-
gual orthodontics.
In our orthodontic practice we have seen a recent spurt of increasing numbers of young adults who desire cost effective, non surgical correction of Class II malocclusion and accept dental camouflage as a treatment option to mask the skeletal discrepancy. When planning the treatment in such cases the orthodontist often faces the dilemma whether to extract 2 maxillary premolars or 2 maxillary and 2 mandibular premolars. This case report presents one such case (along with review of literature) of a 21 year old non-growing female, having skeletal Class II division 1 malocclusion with an overjet of 14mm, who did not want surgical approach to treatment and even though the underlying sagittal jaw discrepancy was severe, the selective extraction of two permanent maxillary first premolar teeth was considered acceptable. Following treatment marked improvement in patient’s smile, facial profile and lip competence were achieved and there was a remarkable increase in the patient’s confidence and quality of life.
Keywords: Dental Camouflage, Class II malocclusion
Sood S
Kharbanda Om P
Duggal R
Sood M
Gulati S
Objective: To evaluate mechanism of muscle response with flexible fixed functional appliance.
Material and method: An electromyographic study was performed on 20 young growing females with Class II Division 1 malocclusion. Group 1 (n=10) served as control group and group 2 (n=10) were treated with flexible fixed functional appliance. Bilateral EMG activity from anterior temporalis and masseter muscles was monitored longitudinally to determine changes in postural, swallowing, and maximal voluntary clenching during an observation period of 6 months.
Results: There was a significant decrease in EMG activity during swallowing of saliva (p< .05) and maximal clenching (p< .05) & (p< .01) in group 2, which persisted for up to 1 month, gradually returning toward pre appliance levels near the end of the experimental period.
Conclusion: A definite response of anterior temporalis and masseter muscles was observed and there was adequate neuromuscular adaptation following insertion of flexible fixed functional appliance at the end of six months. As the EMG activity in the muscles investigated in the present study is decreased significantly, our data is consistent with the concept which assigns a major role to the viscoelastic elements of muscle and increased lip strength as the source of stimulus for bone remodelling associated with the action of these appliances.
Keywords: Muscle response, Flexible fixed functional appliance, EMG activity, Masseter, Anterior temporalis.
We conducted an EMG study on patients treated with Forsus Fatigue Resistant Device, a flexible fixed functional appliance. Although response of masticatory muscles to Herbst appliance (a rigid fixed functional appliance) is available in literature, we could not find any study in published literature that has been conducted to see the muscle response with flexible fixed functional appliance. Even though this appliance functions much like Herbst, it has greater elasticity and flexibility; allows greater range of movement of mandible; uses spring and smaller tubes and rods, is readily available in pre fabricated assembly, is a simple, effective and reliable corrective appliance that benefits not only growing patients but also adult malocclusions that previously required extractions, headgears and surgery.