VJO 11.4

Cognitive survey on osteopathy and NCM in the first dental appointment of 200 adults

Mazzocchi Alberto*, Mazzocchi Susanna**
*Specialista in Chirurgia Maxillo Facciale, Libero professionista, Bergamo
**Studentessa, Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry, Università Europea, Madrid


Scopo del Lavoro: Valutare la percentuale di pazienti che conoscono le Medicine non Convenzionali (MNC).che le utilizzano e le loro fonti informative sulla salute, tra gli adulti che si presentano in prima visita ad un ambulatorio odontoiatrico. In particolare esaminare la conoscenza, l’utilizzo e il grado di soddisfazione dei pazienti in cura con Osteopatia e il loro grado di soddisfazione.

Materiali e Metodi: Un questionario è stato distribuito a 200 adulti afferenti a un ambulatorio odontoiatrico di una città capoluogo di provincia nel nord Italia tra il 2017 e il 2018.

Risultati: Le risposte mostrano che la metà dei pazienti conosce e utilizza MNC come l’Omeopatia, mentre un numero minore (18.5%) ha effettuato trattamenti osteopatici, ma in entrambi i casi, il grado di soddisfazione è stato elevato. Appare molto diffusa la convinzione (84%) che esista un rapporto tra la salute dei denti e la salute generale dell’organismo umano.

Conclusioni: I risultati dello studio mostrano un crescente interesse da parte del pubblico verso le MNC e l’Osteopatia tra queste, ribadendo quanto emerso da indagini precedenti. Sembra opportuno che il mondo specialistico odontoiatrico si affacci a queste discipline, cercando di offrire una maggior informazione e una maggior attenzione alle terapie che considerino la salute del corpo nella sua globalità.

Parole chiave: Osteopatia, occlusione dentale, indagine conoscitiva

Abstract: The objective of this study is to evaluate the percentage of patients that know of non-conventional medicine; their knowledge of this type of medicine, as well as their source of information about general health. The patients used for this study include adults attending the dental clinic for a first visit, in particular we are going to examine their: awareness, employment and grade of satisfaction of patients currently being treated with osteopathy.

Materials and Methods: A survey was given to 200 adults visiting a dental clinic in a region in the north of Italy, between 2017-2018.

Results: The responses show that half of the patients knew of and currently use NCM as omeopathy, whereas only a minor percentage (18.5%) made osteopatic treatment, but in both cases the grade of satisfaction among the patients was high, showing a significant correlation (84%) between the health of teeth and the general health of the human body.

Conclusions: The results of our study show a growing interest from the public to the NCM and Osteopathy, only reaffirming what emerged from the previous survey. In addition there would be an added benefit to general public health if dental professionals were more educated in non-conventional medical approaches so they could better inform patients, who can then really take into consideration the health of the human body as a whole.

Keywords: Osteopathy, dental occlusion, cognitive sur-vey2

Address of Correspondence: Dr. Alberto Mazzocchi


Do different types of CBCT-derived lateral cephalograms have the same results?
Narimani Mohammadamin1 , Shahab Shahriar2, Niktash Anosheh3, Heshmati Leila4
1 Assistant Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Dental Faculty, Islamic Azad University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Oral Radiology, Dental Faculty, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
3 Assistant Professor, Department of Oral Radiology, Dental Faculty, Islamic Azad University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
4 Dentist, Private Practice, Tehran, Iran

Correspondence to: Narimani Mohammadamin, 9th Neiestan 9, Pasdaran, 1946853314 Tehran, Iran.
Cell phone: 09121456883, E-mail:


Background: The aim of the present study was to compare the cephalometric indices of Raysum and maximum intensity projection (MIP) lateral cephalograms generated from cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) to find more efficient ways to detect the cephalometric landmarks and analyze lat-eral cephalograms.

Materials and Methods: Twenty-five full field-of-view (FOV) CBCT images were selected. Raysum and MIP lateral cephalograms were derived from CBCT scans using NNT software. After constructing the cephalometric lines and angles, cepha-lometric indices including maxillary length, mandibular length, maxillomandibular differential, lower anterior facial height (LAFH), upper incisor to point A, lower incisor to A-Pog, gonial angle, palatal plane, mandibular plane, and palatal plane angle were measured. Data were transferred to SPSS software, and t-test was used to determine the difference between the two groups.

Results: The results of t-test did not show any statistically significant difference in the 10 studied indices between MIP and Raysum CBCT-generated lateral cephalograms.

Conclusion: It can be concluded that the Raysum method, which is a common method of obtaining lateral cephalo-grams from CBCT, is still valid for cephalometric measurements.

Keywords: Cephalometry, Cone-Beam Computed Tomography, Image Processing

VJO 11.4