VJO 8.1

How do the periodontal tissues react during the orthodontic aligment and leveling phase?

A Dannan, M A Darwish, M N Sawan
pag. 1-8 dim. 192 Kb language english

Orthodontic tooth alignment and leveling are – usually – the first two stages when an orthodontic treatment is to be initiated. The process of alignment is accomplished by uncontrolled tipping of teeth into a smooth arch and the process of leveling is accomplished by intrusion or extrusion of the teeth so that the upper and lower teeth come together. The aim of this study was to find out whether the orthodontic tooth alignment and leveling phase has negative effects on the periodontal tissues.
Subjects and Methods: 10 patients having simple to moderate front teeth crowding were recruited in the study with a total of 120 teeth (10 groups of upper and 10 groups of lower front teeth). The frontal crowded teeth were subjected to a conventional orthodontic alignment and leveling movements by means of a round 16 NiTi wire for the first step and gradually into a rectangular 18 NiTi wire for the second step. The status of the periodontal tissues around the examined teeth was determined by clinical periodontal assessments including Plaque Index (PI), Papillary Bleeding Index (PBI), Probing Depth (PD) and Gingival Index (GI). After 6 months, the orthodontic tooth alignment and leveling phase was completed. Results: in the upper jaw, the Plaque Index increased significantly after 6 months at the buccal, mesial and distal sites of the teeth. The probing depth also increased significantly after 6 months at the buccal site. In the lower jaw, the Plaque Index increased significantly after 6 months at the vestibular, mesial and distal sites. The probing depth also increased significantly after 1, 3 and 6 months at the lingual sites and after 1 and 6 months at the mesial sites. The Gingival Index showed an increase after 6 months only at the distal sites. All the periodontal parameters have been shown to be normal, reflecting a healthy status of the periodontal tissues.

Conclusions: during the orthodontic tooth alignment and leveling phase, no considerable negative effects on the periodontal tissues could be noted. The good oral hygiene of the patients during the period of study played an important role in keeping the periodontal parameters within normal limits. Further histological studies are needed to examine the tissue alterations during different phases of the orthodontic treatment.

Key words: periodontal tissues, orthodontics.

A relationship between socioeconomic status and orthodontic treatment need

D Prabu, B Naseem et al.
9-16 dim. 196 Kb language english

Aims and objective: This study was aimed to examine the relationship between socio-economic status and both normatively assessed and self perceived need for orthodontic treatment.
Materials and Method: The study was conducted regarding orthodontic treatment need and socioeconomic status in Udaipur, Rajasthan India. The Study population was between age group of 13 to 25 years. Two hundred seventy subjects were assessed for orthodontic treatment by trained and calibrated examiners. The Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need was the measuring instrument along with the questionnaire which asked: “Do you think your teeth need straightening? And question about the socioeconomic status.”
Results: Normative assessed need and self perceived need for orthodontic treatment was more common among middle and lower class subjects than higher class subjects.
Conclusion: Socioeconomic status affects normatively measured orthodontic treatment need through, as yet undefined mechanisms. It also affects a person’s perception of need for orthodontic treatment, but these two associations are separate. The mismatch of need and desire for treatment is a problem for orthodontists.

Key Words: Orthodontic treatment need, socioeconomic status, IOTN.

Strategie terapeutiche miste nel morso aperto anteriore. Parte prima: considerazioni eziopatogenetiche e logoterapeutiche

L Passi, A Mazzocchi, S Lanza, S Mangili
pag. 17-22- dim. 900 Kb lingua italiano

Tra le malocclusioni più complesse da trattare in campo ortodontico, il morso aperto rappresenta una delle principali in quanto la pura correzione ortodontica, ottenuta solo con apparecchi fissi, viene spesso seguita da recidiva in breve tempo. La stabilità del risultato di un trattamento ortodontico richiede, infatti, il riequilibrio delle strutture muscolo-scheletriche dell’apparato stomatognatico, accompagnato dalla correzione delle funzionalità alterate. Il persistere di problemi funzionali quali la deglutizione primaria, la respirazione orale, la postura anomala a riposo della lingua e delle labbra è spesso causa di recidiva dopo il trattamento ortodontico. Per questo motivo sono state elaborate strategie intercettive, studiando le possibili cause delle dismorfosi e suggerendo terapie che possano ristabilire precocemente un’attività oro-facciale ottimale. La presente ricerca è stata indirizzata a valutare la proposta di una terapia mista del morso aperto anteriore, logopedica e ortodontica, mettendo in risalto l’azione combinata della rieducazione linguale (eseguita con esercizi logoterapeutici), che viene descritta nella prima parte del nostro lavoro, con l’uso di apparecchiature ortodontiche funzionali come l’ELN di Bonnet, descritte nella seconda parte.

Key words: Morso aperto, logopedia, apparecchi funzionali, open bite, logotherapeutic treatment, functional appliances.

Strategie terapeutiche miste nel morso aperto anteriore. Parte prima: considerazioni eziopatogenetiche e logoterapeuticheStrategie terapeutiche miste nel morso aperto anteriore. Parte prima: considerazioni eziopatogenetiche e logoterapeutiche

The Efosa Headline Issue 2

The Efosa Headline Issue 2The Efosa Headline Issue 2