All our knowledge has its origin in our perceptions


All our knowledge has its origin in our perceptions

Obvious ? I don’t think so. There are so many ways of perception and our knowledge depends essentially on our input.
How many times do good ideas for treatment of a difficult patient come to our mind when we are looking at a case report or a scientific article written by a colleague ?

In my experience very often. The purpose of VJCO is also to show the clinical aspects of orthodontics using technology to simplify the distance learning. Of course to do this we need scientific contributions and collaboration.
Many readers ask us more clinical cases and we will try to do that.We have other 10 cases ready to be published, but unfortunately our financial budget (very poor) doesn’t permit us to spend more money for human resources so our publishing speed is quite low.
We are sorry for the delay of this third issue but we were too busy to realize the “backbone” for the further growth of VJCO.
We have presented a Socrates application to Europe Union. As you can see we have realized a high level scientific committee, and our partecipation as partner was required from University of Munich for a new european project (Leonardo da Vinci). On next editorial we could be more explicit on these two topics.

Someone suggested us to ask a subscription fee that could permit new investiments for the future…… we are considering also this opportunity, although we like the net free of charge. We would appreciate more sponsor-contributions but our real gain is and will be forever producing this “output” receiving your input (suggestions, requests, articles).
Two contemporary international appointments: AAO Congress in Philadelphia, and North-South project meeting in Crete. No problem, VJCO staff will be there and we will report to you on next issue on both.

Beginning to this issue we start a cooperation with Italian Society for Sport in Dentistry (SIOS). If you are interested in posturology problems, traumatology, and sport activity improvement related to dentistry, I suggest that you to read frequently our pages because………”All our knowledge has its origin in our perceptions”

Gabriele Floria DDS
editor VJCO