Issue 2.3

Editorial – Dr. Alberto Mazzocchi (VJO associate editor)

Orthodontics is often considered a philosophy or, rather, a system of different, often disagreeing philosophical principles. Every orthodontist believes in a philosophy of his or her own, (honestly acknowledging its originator), or taking credit for it (for lack of knowledge if not lack of modesty). What do we mean by philosophy? It comes from the Greek word, “F i l o s o j i a ” which means love of knowledge, in both human and divine matters. Philosophy denotes love toward the search for knowledge, not fear, or eulogy of others’ knowledge. In fact, fear and eulogy are terms that best apply to Religion or Ideology (the latter often being a consequence of the former).The Latin word “Religio” indicated fear of the Gods, and the cult associated with it. Religion meant all the means employed by man to honor the Gods and pacify their anger. What about Science? It comes from the Latin word “Scientia”, which had three meanings: knowledge, skills, and wisdom.

When we apply this etymology to orthodontics, we can say that an orthodontist should always be a “philosopher of science”, never a zealot of science or a philosopher of a religion. Let’s ask ourselves if we are capable of pursuing science with love, honesty and enthusiasm, avoiding ideological and religious attitudes. Many years ago, the philosopher Karl Popper noted that humankind seems to have a strong need for regularity and predictability, which compels people to accept dogmas.

While orthodontics is a fascinating science, ideology and complacency are its downfall.

Early treatment of class III malocclusions – The DBE a new expansion and anchorage appliance (EnglishItalianSpanish)

Alberto R. Mazzocchi MD, DDS

Abstract: Several authors report the effectiveness of maxillary expansion and facemask therapy in Class III growing patients. Many different types of removable or fixed appliances were described in the past. The success of removable appliances depends on patient compliance. Usually, an acrylic rapid palatal expander bonded to the upper first permanent molars and the deciduous molars obtains the fixed orthodontic anchorage for facemask therapy in the mixed dentition. Fixed appliances seem to be more effective as anchorage units even though sometimes they may cause hygiene or bonding problems in very young patients. To prevent these problems, a banded maxillary expander for the deciduous teeth (DBE) is presented.

Obstructive Apnea and Chronic Snoring. Treatment with dental appliances worn during the night (English  Italian  Spanish)

Nicola Lambini Dent. Techn.

Abstract: The author describes features of several appliances used for the Abstract: treatment of obstructive apnea and chronic snoring. Night-time wear of these appliances can prevent snoring by repositioning the mandible and the tongue anteriorly.

Obstructive Apnea and Chronic Snoring

Orthodontic treatment conceptions (According to McLaughlin-Bennet -Trevisi) (EnglishItalianSpanish)

Arturo Fortini MD,DDS
Massimo Lupoli MD,DDS

Abstract: From standard Edgewise to pre-adjusted appliances. Lawrence F. Andrews designed the first totally pre-adjusted appliance in the late sixties after studying 120 casts of nonorthodontic patients with normal occlusion. Andrews found that six common characteristics were always present. Later he took the first order measurements (in/out), the tip, and the torque of the clinical crowns as a point of reference. He then made a bracket based on these values. After this first kind of appliance, many other changes were introduced into treatment mechanics depending on the necessities. Orthodontists have now used pre-adjusted brackets for over 25 years.

Le Disfunzioni del Sistema Cranio-Cervico-Mandibolare (ItalianSpanish)

Umberto Montecorboli MD, DDS

Abstract: L’osservazione delle frequenti associazioni tra alterazioni dento-maxillo-facciali con disfunzioni della colonna vertebrale, ha destato l’attenzione da parte di numerosi autori promuovendo la ricerca scientifica in campo nazionale ed internazionale. I disturbi Cranio-Cervico-Mandibolare sono stati per molto tempo descritti come “Sindrome”, mentre in realtà, corrispondono ad un complesso di problemi disfunzionali a diversa etiologia. I dolori ai muscoli facciali e masticatori, la produzione di rumori articolari, il blocco e/o il dolore all’Articolazione Temporo Mandibolare (in seguito A.T.M), la limitazione funzionale dell’A.T.M., la cefalea nelle sue varie tipologie, le vertigini, le rachialgie soprattutto cervicali, caratterizzano la sintomatologia più frequente delle Disfunzioni Cranio-Cervico- Mandibolari (D.C.C.M). Nella diagnosi e terapia di questi disturbi l’esperienza e la professionalità del medico e dell’odontoiatra, del fisiatra e del fisioterapista, del neurologo e dello psicologo si completano a vicenda. La patologia che colpisce il paziente sarà risolta o gestita con maggior successo e più rapidamente attraverso una valutazione multidisciplinare piuttosto che con la prestazione isolata del singolo professionista.

Abstract: La observación de frecuente asociación entre alteraciones dento maxilo facial, con disfunciones de la columna vertebral, ha llamado la atención de parte de numerosos autores, promoviendo la investigación cientifica dentro del ámbito nacional e internacional. La alteraciones Cráneo-Cervico-Mandibulares han estado por mucho tiempo descritas como “Sindrome”, siendo que en realidad corresponden a un conjunto de problemas disfuncionales de diverse etiología. El dolor de los músculos faciales y de la masticación, la producción de ruidos articulares, el bloqueo y/o dolor en la Articulación Temporo Mandibular (A.T.M.), las limitaciones funcionales de la misma A.T.M., las cefaleas en sus diversos tipos, el vértigo, la raquialgia, sobretodo la cervical, caracterizan la sintomatologia más frecuente de la Disfunción Cráneo Cervico Mandibular (D.C.C.M.). En el diagnostico y terapia de estos disturbios, la experiencia y profesionalismo del medico y del dentista, del fisiatra, del kinesiólogo, del neurólogo y del psicólogo se complementan según el caso. La patología que aflige al paciente será resuelta o tratada con más éxito y más rápidamente mediante una valoración multi disciplinaria mas que con la ayuda de un único profesional.