Issue 6.2

Editorial – G. Floria, VJO Editor

Il Condilo Mandibolare

P. Cozza, M. di Girolamo, F. Cirillo, L. De Toffol
pag. 1-9 dim. 350 KB

Revisione critica della letteratura con particolare riferimento ai meccanismi di crescita del condilo mandibolare.

Keywords: Mandibular condyle, growth, temporomandibular joint, glenoid fossa, mandible, secondary cartilage, growing mechanism.

La disfuncion del sistema craneo-cervico-mandibular

U. Montecorboli
pag. 9-29 dim. 314 KB

El autor describe la sintomatología de las algias cráneo-faciales en relacion a desordenes de la A.T.M. y propone una correccion de las mismas.

Keywords: mandibular condyle, temporomandibular joint, algias cráneo-faciales, disfunciónes de la columna vertebral, Articulación temporo mandibular, postura, asimetria, nervio trigémino, tratamiento de la disfunción.

La disfuncion del sistema craneo-cervico-mandibularLa disfuncion del sistema craneo-cervico-mandibular

Miniscrew Anchorage System (M.A.S.) Una nuova metodica di ancoraggio scheletrico in tecnica linguale

S. Velo, A. Carano, C. Incorvati, G. Siciliani
pag. 30-36 dim. 1.200 KB

Gli autori propongono un sistema di ancoraggio intraosseo intraorale tramite miniviti in titanio inserite nell’osso alveolare.

Keywords: Miniscrew anchorage system, micro-implant skeletal anchorage, M.A.S., biomeccanica linguale, ancoraggio scheletrico.

Miniscrew Anchorage System (M.A.S.) Una nuova metodica di ancoraggio scheletrico in tecnica lingualeMiniscrew Anchorage System (M.A.S.) Una nuova metodica di ancoraggio scheletrico in tecnica linguale

Holistic Form for functional clinical findings

G. Perseo
pag. 35-46 dim. 1.430 KB

The most important holistic parameters that each dental and medical specialist must record about the neuropsychological, metabolic, bioenergetic and anatomical-structural zones of the human-animal organism, are shown. Remarking the structural-postural aspects, these parameters are the direct targets of dental, orthodontic and maxillo-facial therapies. Effects on the other physiopathologic zones are indirect but strong and may not be clinically forgotten. Basing on slight modifications of this clinical examination form (it is to be used at begin, half and end of therapy), the author will make scientific research in the next years, so to still deeper demonstrate the topics of the new series of publications for the to demonstrate the relationships between the stomathognathic system and the orthopaedic system through the postural muscle chains. Many peripheral symptoms represent an alarm – or a starting point for health optimisation – for specialists of all medical and dental fields. Fazit: an interdisciplinary background is needed.

Holistic Form for functional clinical findingsHolistic Form for functional clinical findings