Issue 8.2

Prevalence of Oral Habits in 11–13 year-old School Children in Gulbarga city, India

D.P. Bhayya, T.R. Shyagali
pag. 1-4 dim. 192 Kb language english

Objective: To assess the prevalence of oral habits in 11-13 year old children in Gulbarga city, India. Method: Data was gathered from 1000 children of age group 11-13 years, attending different primary schools of Gulbarga city. Information pertaining to the study was collected from the parents in the form of questionnaire, fallowed by the clinical examination of the subjects using torch, disposable mirror and the probe. Results: Out of 1000 children examined, 38% had oral habits, out of which 18% children had tongue thrusting habit, 17% had mouth breathing habit and only 3% had nail biting habit. There was no significant difference in prevalence of habits between male and female except for nail biting habit. Prevalence of the oral habit decreased with the increasing age.

Conclusions: The data revealed that most of the children had oral habits. This highlights the importance of identifying children who are in need of preventive orthodontic treatment to avoid future occurrence of malocclusion. Further it is suggested that the same pattern of research has to be done on wide strata to identify the potentially occurring malocclusions.

Reminder therapy for digit sucking: Use of a nonpunitive appliance – A case report

R. Neeraja G. Kayalvizhi P.V Sangeetha
5-10 dim. 200 Kb language english

Digit sucking is a common childhood behavior, which has an adaptive value for children up to the fourth year of life. It is usually associated with oral pleasure and self comforting behavior. Chronic practice may lead to dental and skeletal deformities. Reminder therapy using Bluegrass appliance has been proven successful to intercept digit sucking habit. We present here a case of a child aged 7 years with digit sucking habit intercepted by using a nonpunitive reminder therapy using Bluegrass appliance. This nonpunitive Bluegrass appliance proved to be very comfortable to the patient unlike other appliances and also it was successful in intercepting the habit within a short period of time.

Keywords:  Reminder therapy, digit sucking, nonpunitive, bluegrass appliance, malocclusion.

Strategie terapeutiche miste nel morso aperto anteriore. Parte seconda: l’apparecchio funzionale di B.Bonnet (ELN)

A Mazzocchi, L Passi, S Lanza, S Mangili
pag. 10-15- dim. 900 Kb lingua italiano

Tra le malocclusioni più complesse da trattare in campo ortodontico, il morso aperto rappresenta una delle principali in quanto la pura correzione ortodontica, ottenuta solo con apparecchi fissi, viene spesso seguita da recidiva in breve tempo. La stabilità del risultato di un trattamento ortodontico richiede, infatti, il riequilibrio delle strutture muscolo-scheletriche dell’apparato stomatognatico, accompagnato dalla correzione delle funzionalità alterate. Il persistere di problemi funzionali quali la deglutizione primaria, la respirazione orale, la postura anomala a riposo della lingua e delle labbra è spesso causa di recidiva dopo il trattamento ortodontico.
Per questo motivo sono state elaborate strategie intercettive, studiando le possibili cause delle dismorfosi e suggerendo terapie che possano ristabilire precocemente un’attività oro-facciale ottimale.
La presente ricerca è stata indirizzata a valutare la proposta di una terapia mista del morso aperto anteriore, logopedica e ortodontica, mettendo in risalto l’azione combinata della rieducazione linguale (eseguita con esercizi logoterapeutici), che viene descritta nella prima parte del nostro lavoro, con l’uso di apparecchiature ortodontiche funzionali come l’ELN di Bonnet, descritte nella seconda parte.

The treatment of anterior open bite is one of the most difficult, as it often relapses after orthodontic therapy with fixed appliances. The stability of the result of an orthodontic therapy comes through the balance of the skeletal and muscular components of the oral structures, and the correction of the altered functions. Persistence of bad habits as primary swallowing, oral breathing, resting position of the tongue and lips is, often, the reason of relapse after orthodontic therapy. Therefore, in accordance with interceptive strategies, the Authors consider the possible reasons of dysmorphic disorders and they suggest procedures which can restore an excellent oro-facial function.
The present study is focused on the effectiveness of a combined logopedic-orthodontic therapy of the anterior open bite, showing first the combined action of the logotherapy, described in the first part of the article, and second, a functional orthodontic appliance, Bonnet’s ELN, described in the second part.

Strategie terapeutiche miste nel morso aperto anteriore. Parte seconda: l’apparecchio funzionale di B.Bonnet (ELN)Strategie terapeutiche miste nel morso aperto anteriore. Parte seconda: l’apparecchio funzionale di B.Bonnet (ELN)